Saturday, March 6, 2010


After an anxiety-filled couple of days, Scott's second tooth has finally fallen out. I admit I helped it along. He hadn't eaten all day and then took a bit of a nap this evening. (This is highly unusual for him and confirms what I suspected--that he got almost no sleep last night because he was so worried.) He woke up during dinner and after some convincing, he took a bite of actual food and the chewing loosened up the tooth a bit more. He was upset and as I was trying to calm him down, I pulled it out. Now, I do not really advocate doing something like this. But He was soooo stressed out about this loose tooth, and I knew it would be upsetting to him when it came out anyway. He didn't even realize it, until he went off to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Hopefully, he can get back to his normal self tomorrow.

Anna will be very glad to have her big brother back to normal, as well. She was pretty miffed all day because he would not play with her at all. And he didn't want to spend more than 10 minutes outside with us this afternoon.

Other than dental troubles, the last couple days have been really great. Yesterday was the big birthday party for my nephew. The cupcakes turned out really cute (and yummy) and he had a fun day with lots of cool presents.

This afternoon we played outside for a bit. Scott tried to play catch with Daddy, Lizzie tried to steal her big sister's tricycle, and Anna pouted about losing her trike. It was a nice day.


Oh, I almost forgot. On a side note, I had to drive us home from the birthday party last night up in Waynetown (around an hour from home). It was very late (we left for home just before 1 am) and we drive the last stretch home down a county road since the highway is closed for bridge repairs. Well, anyway, I got pulled over. :( Not cool, because I've never been pulled over before. Ever. I was sure it was for speeding, although I was only going maybe 5 over. But I was being tailed closely (it never occurred to either of us that it was a cop; we just figured someone was being a jerk and wouldn't pass), and I was nervous about that and checking my mirrors a lot. My speed had just crept up and then his lights came on. Big bummer. We waited and waited and he finally came to the window. By this time, it was about a quarter-til-two. (I promise that we don't ordinarily keep our kids out this late, and anytime we do, it is truly just with family.)

The officer first asked how I was. I said I was fine, but apparently did not sound convincing. To be honest, I wasn't really fine; I was soooo nervous. And a little tired. So he asked if I was sure if I was fine. I answered more reassuringly so he moved on. He told me that I had crossed the center line. I honestly never realized I had actually crossed the line (Chris didn't either). I guess maybe I wasn't driving perfectly straight, with all that mirror checking of the person riding my bumper. And I don't care for the non-existent shoulders on the county road. And (not to sound like I'm just making excuses, but I am) to add to that, the yellow center lines on this road are relatively new.

I was actually relieved when he said that was why he pulled me over because I was fairly certain that I would not be getting my first ticket. He then asked me if I had anything to drink and I could honestly answer that I had not. So he left and ran my info and came back and told us to be careful. He promptly got in his car and turned around and drove off. He must've been hiding somewhere because we never saw another car driving at all until he was behind us. And he was really mostly just doing a routine traffic stop since it was the middle of the night.

He was quite pleasant about everything. And I'm very glad I wasn't alone. Not that I would have been driving around in the middle of the night alone. So, what was initially so alarming turned out to be nothing at all. Not even a warning.


  1. The cupcakes look great! I am having a Scooby Doo party for Aidan in April and haven't decided if I want to try using fondant or not. I've never used it but love the results on the cakes and cupcakes I've seen. I'm glad for you and Scott that his tooth finally came out :) I've been pulled over twice. Once when I was 16 and driving my entire family back from Brown County State Park in my 1973 Chrysler New Yorker (remember that car?) with my Dad in the front seat and my mom, sister, and brother in the back...the car was THAT big. I was pulled over in broad daylight for having my brights on...I'm still questioning that! Then I was pulled over when Aidan was 18 months old for going 5 over the speed limit. The guy really grilled me especially because he said, "Ma'am you have precious cargo in that back seat of yours." We'd just left the park and Aidan was covered head-to-toe in mud! I don't know what he thought, but I was nervous every time I drove in the small little town we lived in in Illinois. I always felt like they were after me after that incident! Glad it all worked out and you made it home safely :)

  2. Nancy--Thanks for sharing your stories of being pulled over. And I always laughed when people said the officer was wrong, but now I know. We're still sure I did not actually cross the center line. And as fast as he left, he must not have actually been worried about anything. And I do remember your old cars. We were fortunate enough to come of age at a time when we could still get giant used cars! :) Our kids will really be missing out. And, I would highly recommend working with fondant. It's super easy. Just like cutting cookies. You can even buy it pre-colored. I used the pre-colored primary colors, but I did have to make my own pinks/browns/peaches.
