Friday, March 5, 2010

Tooth troubles

Scott has only lost one tooth. And he really does not want to lose any more. He so strongly disliked losing the first one that he has been in denial that another was loose (apparently)--until a little wrestling session with Daddy at lunch time loosened it enough to bleed. Scott was immediately in tears. No amount of explaining that it has to come out will soothe him. No amount of money offered as payment for a lost tooth sounds exciting.

When asked, he responded, "No, it doesn't hurt." But we have heard him wandering around moaning "oooowwww." He wants it out now, but I don't want to pull it. Chris offered to go grab the the pliers, but this terrified Scott (naturally). So for the next day or two we will be waiting anxiously for it to finally fall out on its own. Hopefully it's that soon. He refuses to wiggle it or help it along. How long can a tooth hang in there??

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