Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Better Day

Thanks for all the encouragement! Today was a better day!

We got four subjects of school done before lunch, which is quite unusual for us. I'm am a real slacker in the morning!

I felt really good about myself for accomplishing that much in the morning, so in the afternoon I got to work on the fondant decorations for my nephew's birthday on Friday. (I can't believe he's going to be 6!) I am making Mario-themed cupcakes, and I think they will be pretty cute! Thanks to my friend, Erica, for the idea. I will definitely post pics once they are done, no matter how far from perfect they turn out!

All of that occupied most of my time today. I aimed to get the laundry started, but I really got caught up in the cupcake work, so the laundry is still piling up. I will be tackling that tomorrow.

Our one excursion for the day was to Wal-Mart.

It just occurred to me that this daily blogging challenge will probably reveal that I go to Wally-World waaaayyyy more times than a reasonable person ought to!

My trip out this evening was an absolute necessity though; we ran out of cat food last night (for some reason I never could remember to buy that either time I was at Wal-Mart over the weekend). Our three cats were practically in a panic this afternoon when their food bowl was still empty. Poor kitties. They are satisfied now, so hopefully they'll leave us alone while we sleep.

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